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Ethics line

MedinCell’s ethics line enables MedinCell employees, collaborators, and external stakeholders to make a report in accordance with law no. 2016-1691 amended by law no. 2022- 401 of March 21, 2022, and implementing decree 2022-401.

A whistleblower is a natural person who reports or discloses, without direct financial consideration and in good faith, information concerning:

  • a felony or misdemeanor,
  • a threat or harm to the general interest,
  • a violation or attempted concealment of a violation of an international commitment duly ratified or approved by France, of a unilateral act of an international organization taken on the basis of such a commitment, of European Union law, or of a law or regulation.

When the information has not been obtained in the course of the professional activities mentioned in I of Article 8, the whistleblower must have had personal knowledge of it (Article 6 of Law no 2016-1691, amended by Law n°2022-401).

The alert system used to collect and process alerts guarantees the strict confidentiality of the identity of the author of the alert, the persons concerned, and the information gathered by all the recipients of the alert.

How to report an alert?

  • By filling in the online form bellow
  • By writing to us by post at Legal Department – MedinCell SA – 3 rue des Frères Lumière, 34830 Jacou – France

The report must be made in writing and in a double envelope:

  1. The inner envelope must bear EXCLUSIVELY the following wording:
    MADE ON (date of dispatch)
  2. The outer envelope will bear the above-mentioned shipping address.

Compliance with these sending procedures guarantees the confidentiality of the information transmitted.

Download the alert system privacy notice (November 2023)

Report an alert